Offerings & Audiences

Kids of All Ages
Andrea has stories for you. Stories that give power and open worlds to kids from toddlers to teenagers:
Trickster and Wit tales where the seemingly powerless get out of, or into, trouble;
STEM stories engaging in math, and scientific and natural discoveries;
Fairy, folk and wonder tales from around the world;
Personal true narratives.
Ask about a new pandemic special: Pajama Party! or the calmer Bedtime Stories, zoomed right to your home.
Customize your program by contacting Andrea below.
Single unit is a 20- minute, 45- minute, or one-hour long program combining performance and group interaction. Andrea is also available for recurring visits or in-depth units as a visiting artist. She can work with your educational or social goals and IEPs.
Andrea is currently a teacher and storyteller at Congregation Dorshei Tzedek Religious School, and travels (virtually) to schools, libraries, camps, religious organizations, playgroups, parties, and family events.

Adults of All Ages
Andrea tells stories and runs workshops for adults and seniors, and creates multi-generational experiences for families and organizations. All her work is customized, so contact her below.
Recent performance programs that are available include:
On the Wings of Wishes: an hour-long virtual program on the American bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that weaves together the story of Sadako Sasaki and her famous paper cranes, traditional Japanese folklore, and personal stories about facing conflicting narratives of World War Two as an American Jew. Available as synchronous (live-virtual) or asynchronous (video) programming.
Second Star: Family and historic stories of visits to an old friend’s old house, Adhara, in rural Gilmanton, New Hampshire. This program can be highly interactive.
Jewish Tricksters on the Road to the King: Those funny Jewish trickster tales are not so light. In adult and multi-age settings, Andrea brings out their depth, context, and truths, while not forgetting the holy mission of all tricksters: to laugh and celebrate together!

Special Needs
Special Needs
Andrea makes sure everyone is in the story, from deliberate content design to the moments of interaction during a program. Ask about the inclusion options below.
Integrated Programs: for your group, class, or family, designed to joyfully and fully include everyone in an integrated setting, with special attention paid to physical, sensory, learning, and neuro-divergent needs.
Previews and After-Views: help those who need get ready for a program, or explore more afterwards.
Special Programming for adults or kids: Age-appropriate and needs-appropriate programs for special needs groups or audiences.
Positive Representation: traditional-style original tales for everyone that have characters and points of view often excluded from our usual stories.

Meet Larry: My fuzzy puppet friend comes to all types of events, but he is a real therapy puppet and older than I am. He makes facial expressions to signal moods in a story, asks me for clarification or better articulation, sings silly songs off-key, and establishes consent: Larry will greet you by name, give you a kiss, or make a face for you, but only if you want. Larry can also sit quietly and hold his tongue if it helps the story get told.
Jewish Storytelling by a Jewish Storyteller
Jewish storytelling from a Jewish Storyteller
Andrea tells original and classic tales that span the depth and breadth of Jewish culture and religion, bringing not only the lively spirit of Jewish storytelling but the values within. Choose from options below.
Interactive holiday programs for synagogues, religious schools, and parties: Tu B'Shvat, Purim, Passover, Lag B'Omer, Shavuot, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Chanukah, and Shabbat.
Heavenly Lights: A trio of sun, moon, and star stories for the new month (Rosh Hodesh) or anytime light is needed.
Traditional Tales: Original and traditional tales from the Torah, Talmud and midrash.
All the World: Folk, rabbinic, and mystical tales from Jewish communities around the world and through the ages.
Simcha Stories: Custom storytelling for your milestone celebrations and gatherings.
Workshops on Jewish stories, Jewish storytelling, and Jewish humor.
For All: Jewish stories for mixed and non-Jewish settings including libraries, churches, and community groups.

Learn about storytelling, from the basics to advanced classes and coaching. Choose from samples below or contact Andrea for custom options.
Story Sense 101 : What makes something a story? Learn how listener, teller, and story interact to create the space for storytelling. (Appropriate for any age)
Story Sense 200+: From whatever level of storytelling experience you have, you can add in new skills. Workshop participants will learn from and with each other how to improve the details of their story craft. (Appropriate for any age)
Walking in Wolf Paws: Explore what villains are, what they are doing in your stories, and the dangers and delights of including or centering their point of view.
Generation of Generations: Seek out, uncover and hand down the stories of your own family*. Learn listening, research, and interview skills by crafting and telling one short story. (Teen through adult. *Queer-friendly space with an expansive definition of family and history.)